Saturday, June 14, 2008



Shit, shit, shit.

How could he have been so reckless? So clumsy, so utterly stupid? What had he been thinking? Flirting was fine. But kissing her?

Kane sat on his bed massaging his temples. Kissing her was a mistake.

Kane Gerry didn't do mistakes.

He knew he how much he wanted her, but to actually do anything to her? Miranda was a friend, and he was a player.

He didn't do friends. Not in that way, at least.

Things like Miranda took time. She wasn't just some blondie bimbo who'd jump into bed with just anyone. What she craved, he couldn't give her yet. Things like actual love or anything coming close to that took alot of time. And alot of skill. Right now, he had neither of those things.

Kane looked around his room. The four walls small and paint was peeling. Empty beer bottles scattered across his bedroom floor.

This place needs a fix, he thought bitterly.

I need one too.

Kane reached down and felt around under his bed. It was dusty and really uncomfortable, but he smiles when his hand clasped around cold metal.


He pulled out the small metal box. The sides were rusting away from age and the air. An American flag shone boldly on the top lip. Kane opened the lid and inhaled the faint bitter smell of weed. He rolled up a joint like an old pro, licking the end to seal it.

He took a lighter from his bedside table and lit up the joint. Kane inhaled, savouring the deep burning sensation as the heat seared his insides. The bittersweet aroma filling up his lungs as his eyelids started to flutter.

With a lazy grin spread across his face, Kane laid back onto the headboard of his bed. His mind whirled as he rose to the height of estacy. Colours swirled all around making his head spin.

Miranda and the problems that came with her came with her could wait. Now, he needed an escape, and this was the perfect one.

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